Grape Love

Grape Love
Black Grapes and Apples Antioxidants and Fiber Nourishment   Grapes contain vitamins and ha...
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Black Grapes and Apples

Antioxidants and Fiber Nourishment


Grapes contain vitamins and have antioxidants that may help to lower the risk for high cholesterol, high blood pressure, blood clots, and heart disease. For instance, there is some evidence that grapes offer a number of health benefits including being an anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antioxidant agent. Apples are a convenient package of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and flavonoids (beneficial plant compounds) that provide a range of valuable health benefits.


  • Calories: 157
  • Fat: 0.6g
  • Sodium:2mg
  • Carbohydrates: 41g
  • Fiber: 5.4g
  • Sugars: 33.9g
  • Protein: 1.1g

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